Creating Our First AWS Lambda Function
First, login to your AWS console and open the Lambda console. Click on “Create Function”, give it a name and choose “Create a custom role”.
Keep the role with the default policy document since our “Hello World” function will not need any special permission.
Click on “Allow” and make sure to choose “lambda_basic_execution” as a role.
Now let’s add this Node.js Hello World function:
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
// Succeed with the string "Hello world!"
callback(null, 'Hello world!');
Click on “Test”:
Our test event, once executed will call the Lambda Hello World function. Click on “Create” followed by “Test” and you will notice the execution results:
You can use another language like Python. In order to do this, let’s first remove the first function, so go back to your dashboard and click on “Action” then “Delete”:
Now, create a new function and choose Python 3.6 as a runtime.
The Python Hello World function is the following:
def lambda_handler(event, context):
return 'Hello from Lambda'
This function will return the string “Hello from Lambda” and exits.
Note: Note that the function handler should be configured correctly in this form
The file name should not also contain the extension of the file.
In my example, my file is called
and my function is defined as lambda_handler
. The handler will be: